Monday, September 26, 2011

A Wrap Up of My Weekend

So, I took the weekend to travel back home for a little visit, and I think I needed it. I'm adjusting to living in the city and the difference of life style, along with the traffic. I am even starting to adopt some road rage, which doesn't exactly fair well for me since I already had quite a bit of it before I moved to a place where common courtesy is more or less a rarity among drivers. And when I'm rubbed the wrong way behind the wheel, oh boy does my temper kick in on overdrive. That was one aspect I didn't want to rub off on me, but I guess it's a tad bit too late now. But that is besides the point. Anyways, I was very happy to see my parent's who weren't even aware I was coming, one of the other things I need to work on, I'm not exactly good at remember to rely information that probably should be. But, either way, it was a nice surprise for them. My dogs Lola and Sam, were rather excited to see me too, on the other hand, my cat Tom didn't exactly know what was going on, probably got into the cat nip again.

I bought some new editing software for my computer, only ten bucks. Score. I wanted to try it out, so I took the opportunity to take some photos of the animals doing what they do best. The one of Sam, the chihuahua pictured above, the one who looks like a llama, was perfect. I caught him in his famous pose, working his beta fish expression.

On thursday, I went wedding dress shopping with my best friend Britney, who has been one of my closest friends since kindergarten. She is getting married on July 28h of next year. I am beyond beyond beyond EXCITED, when I found out I was practically hyperventilating when she sent me the picture of her ring. So beautiful and sparkly. I'm so happy for her, and I am very honored to be apart of her special day. It seems like all I look at these days is bridal this and bridal that, I'm obsessed and it's not even my wedding.

Here is a picture of us back in the old days:

One of the many dresses she tried on, but which ever dress makes the cut, she is going to make a beautiful bride.

Speaking of weddings, on Saturday I attended my boyfriend Ty's aunt Ashley's wedding. It was a very fun time, and the dance was pretty epic :) It was nice to spend some time with him and his family.

It was a hard leaving him again, the long distance thing is not as easy as I tried to tell myself. It could be much worse, luckily we are only five hours apart. I am very grateful for that, but it's still tough. Well, that's a wrap up of my weekend, I hope I didn't bore you too much with my rambling!

Have a happy monday :)

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